Protection & Security


Cell/Whatsapp: +55 11 943 313 690
BR - Cell/Whatsapp +55 11 943 374 700
EU - Cell/Whatsapp +33 6 21 45 20 48


  • Brapago Payments do Brasil
  • CNPJ 19.756.160/0001-93
  • Rua Santa Luzia, 735
  • Pav10 - Centro
  • Rio de Janeiro | RJ
  • CEP: 20030-041
Verified Protection

Why trust us?

WebCheque is a cross-border payment processing and financial services platform. We are responsible for ensuring a safe purchasing environment for our customers. To this end, we comply with international regulations and local specificities to ensure protection when processing buyer data, complying with all LGPD standards.

WebCheque has 3 layers of security

1) Data encryption
We have an SSL certificate, a digital certificate that authenticates the identity of the WebCheque website and enables an encrypted connection. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a Web server and a Web browser.

2) Credit history check
With cutting-edge technology and highly qualified professionals, Credify verifies the payer's CPF with SERASA and Federal Revenue and offers data, credit management and anti-fraud solutions, ensuring that the customer and merchant journey is autonomous, efficient and safe.

3) 3DS authentication
Our platform has the 3DS authentication protocol that creates even more security for online payments. 3DS 2.0 provides ten times more data during the communication flow between cardholder, card issuer and merchant. Our solution is directly linked to all banks as well as major acquirers, illustrating the strong trust our partners place in us to offer their customers a high-performance e-commerce service.